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More Tiny Barbarian!

This is just a lovely bit of news (courtesy RockPaperShotgun again): Tiny Barbarian, which I was enamored with enough to write this article praising it back in February of last year, is getting a sequel! From the developer page:

Tiny Barbarian is back for all-new adventures in the upcoming Tiny Barbarian DX! The new game, currently in development, is completely reprogrammed for a smoother, faster, and more colorful experience, with new enemies to fight, more treasures to find, and pixellated damsels to rescue.

The original was a great example of tightly focused design leading to a short, extremely pleasant experience, and I'm really happy to hear it's getting a follow up. The trailer (which I'll embed below and is oddly silent) makes it look like maybe a few new mechanics are being introduced (beast riding!), but I trust StarQuail not to let it get too bloated.

No information yet on when it's coming or whether this one will also be taken from original Conan fiction (The Frost Giant's Daughter made great source material for the original game, so I'd love to see them take on more of Robert E. Howard's stories) but I'll certainly be looking out for it either way.

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