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Temporarily Out of Commission

As some of you may know (and if you didn't, now you will), I live in Pittsburgh, PA, and we had what I believe was referred to on the news as the fourth largest snowfall in the city's history this last weekend.  I measured about 20 inches of snow where I live, with several more added on top of that in the days following.

On Friday night (the first night of the storm), my wife and I lost power, and when it came back on Saturday afternoon, my computer wouldn't boot up.  There was an period of intermittent success where I got it to load to my desktop, but a couple more power failures later, it was no longer loading anything from the hard drive at all.  Clearly, an uninterruptible power supply needs to be a purchase I make in the near future.

For now, though, we narrowed it down to probably being just the hard drive that's in trouble - the rest of the machine seems fine - so I've got a new HDD on order and will probably also take this opportunity to upgrade to Windows 7, which I hear is shiny.  I'm tapping this out on my netbook (an HP Mini-Note 2133 I purchased for just such emergencies), but it's not much for gaming, and between the Snowpocalypse and work I haven't been playing much this week anyhow.

So.  Hopefully this weekend or next week I'll have my desktop back up and running, and will be back to semi-regularly scheduled programming.  In the meantime, go play some games yourself, and stay safe and warm wherever you are.

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