I'm Sorry, Other Games.
I'm sorry, Dragon Age. I'm sorry, Left 4 Dead 2. I'm sorry, New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I'm sorry, Majesty 2. I'm sorry, Borderlands. I'm sorry, every other great game that I should be giving my attention to right now.
But the simple fact is that on Saturday morning, my resolve broke down and I picked up a copy of Assassin's Creed II. And as much as I may love you guys, none of you scratch quite the same itch as it does, and all of you will still be there in a week or two. In the last 2 days I've finished about 25% of the game, and - much like the first Assassin's Creed, which I loved - it looks like I'm probably just going to power through all the way to the end. (That's right, I loved the first game, the one everybody said was crap. So imagine how much I'm liking this one.)
And I guess I'm also sorry for anybody reading this, since the whole internet has already told you how good AC2 is and why, which means you certainly don't need me to. Go read what they said, it's all true. You should play this game.
What's also true, and what you might not have read too many other places, is that New Super Mario Bros. Wii may be the best same-screen multiplayer game since the 16-bit era. I plan to write about that soon, because I've also been playing that a lot - with my wife and her siblings over the Thanksgiving holiday and then more with my wife since then - and it deserves examining.
But right now, Ezio's almost ready to buy another upgrade for his villa, and those rooftops aren't going to run across themselves. Arrivederci.
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